' . "\n"; ?> Translate '<?php print_encoded($project_name); ?>' - PHPPOEdit

Phppoedit - a simple PHP based PO file editor

NOTE: this has been forked into GitHub. Visit https://github.com/agentcobra/phppoedit for the latest version!

This is PHPPOEDIT - a PHP based PO-file (gettext) editor. What you see below is an online demo installation that was used to translate the Leader of the Free World project together with the Pophorator tool. Phppoedit is open source (modified BSD license) software:

NOTE! This system requires UTF-8 character encoding. If you don't see some Japanese text (or plain squares) here: "日本語", adjust your browser settings.


"; foreach( $lang_dirs as $l ) { print "

" . xhtml_encode(ucfirst($l)) . "

\n"; ?> '; $po = "adsf"; $po = "po/$l/" . str_replace('.pot', '.po', $pot); if ( file_exists( $po )) { $parsed_po = parse_po(file( $po )); $total = 0; $translated = 0; $fuzzy = 0; foreach( $parsed_pot as $checksum => $entry ) { if ( strlen($entry["msgid"] )) { $total++; if ( isset($parsed_po[$checksum])) { if ( in_array('fuzzy', $parsed_po[$checksum]["flags"])) { $fuzzy++; $translated++; } else if ( strlen($parsed_po[$checksum]["msgstr"])) $translated++; } } } printf ("", htmlentities($po), str_replace('.pot', '.po', $pot), blend_colors( "008000", "FF0000", ($total>0) ? ($translated/$total) : 1 ), ($total>0) ? ($translated*100/$total) : 100, blend_colors( "008000", "FF0000", ($translated>0) ? (1-$fuzzy/$translated) : 1 ), ($translated>0) ? ($fuzzy*100/$translated) : 0, $total); } else { print "MISSING FILE " . xhtml_encode($po) . "\n"; } print ''; } print "
Filename Translated ..of which fuzzy total strings
\n"; } ?>